The show is critically acclaimed, with the BBC recently labelling it America’s current best sitcom. ‘The Gang’ is a group of five misfit friends: twins Dennis (Glenn Howerton) and Deandra ‘(Sweet) Dee’ Reynolds (Kaitlin Olson), their friends Charlie Kelly (Charlie Day) and Ronald ‘Mac’ McDonald (Rob McElhenney). The series follows the exploits of ‘The Gang’, a group of narcissistic friends who run the Irish bar Paddy’s Pub in south Philadelphia.Īmong its main stars is legendary Danny DeVito, who plays Frank Reynolds. Sonya confirms she has a guest role in an upcoming episode but told the Sunday World she can’t comment further as the show has not aired. The 41-year-old actress has said she will be taking part in the new season of the comedy. Irish actress Sonya Macari has won a role in hit American show It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.